The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.

Paolo Pellegrin
Presidente do JúriWinner of several awards, including ten World Press Photo awards and various prizes Photographer of the Year (POY), also received Leica Medal of Excellence, an Olivier Award Rebbot, the Hansel-Meith Preis and the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award.

Alessandra Mauro
As photography curator, conceived and organized: William Klein; Mario Giacomelli, retrospective. As Artistic Director of the Fondazione Forma (Milan): Richard Avedon, Josef Koudelka, Peter Lindbergh, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martin Parr.

Christopher Morris
Documented over 20 years more than 18 international conflicts. Morris received several awards such as the Gold Medal Cover, Rebbot Olivier Award, the Infinity Photojournalist Award, the Visa d’Or Award, and multiple World Press Photo Awards.

Pablo Juliá
Between 1980 and 2007 he was head of the photography department of the newspaper El País. Currently, since 2007, the Director of the Andalusian Centre of Photography in Seville.
The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.

Paolo Pellegrin
Jury PresidentWinner of several awards, including ten World Press Photo awards and various prizes Photographer of the Year (POY), also received Leica Medal of Excellence, an Olivier Award Rebbot, the Hansel-Meith Preis and the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award.

Alessandra Mauro
As photography curator, conceived and organized: William Klein; Mario Giacomelli, retrospective. As Artistic Director of the Fondazione Forma (Milan): Richard Avedon, Josef Koudelka, Peter Lindbergh, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martin Parr.

Christopher Morris
Documented over 20 years more than 18 international conflicts. Morris received several awards such as the Gold Medal Cover, Rebbot Olivier Award, the Infinity Photojournalist Award, the Visa d’Or Award, and multiple World Press Photo Awards.

Pablo Juliá
Between 1980 and 2007 he was head of the photography department of the newspaper El País. Currently, since 2007, the Director of the Andalusian Centre of Photography in Seville.
O xurado do Premio e da Bolsa é exclusivamente formado porpersonalidades internacionais do medio do fotoxornalismo.

Paolo Pellegrin
Presidente do XuradoWinner of several awards, including ten World Press Photo awards and various prizes Photographer of the Year (POY), also received Leica Medal of Excellence, an Olivier Award Rebbot, the Hansel-Meith Preis and the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award.

Alessandra Mauro
As photography curator, conceived and organized: William Klein; Mario Giacomelli, retrospective. As Artistic Director of the Fondazione Forma (Milan): Richard Avedon, Josef Koudelka, Peter Lindbergh, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martin Parr.

Christopher Morris
Documented over 20 years more than 18 international conflicts. Morris received several awards such as the Gold Medal Cover, Rebbot Olivier Award, the Infinity Photojournalist Award, the Visa d’Or Award, and multiple World Press Photo Awards.

Pablo Juliá
Between 1980 and 2007 he was head of the photography department of the newspaper El País. Currently, since 2007, the Director of the Andalusian Centre of Photography in Seville.
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