The ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM photojournalism award is unique in its genre in Portugal. The competition is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, from Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP), as well as to foreigners residing in these territories.
It has been held every year since 2009 and hosted in the city of Viana do Castelo over the last three years with the support of the town council and active engagement of the Mayor José Maria Costa.
For the selection of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2017 Viana do Castelo’s award winner as well as for the Picture of the Year, prize winners in the seven categories, and attribution of the Alto Minho grant, the international jury assessed close to 380 reports submitted by over 150 photojournalists of varied nationalities – not only from Portugal and Galicia, but also from Brazil, Mozambique, Italy, and Belgium. We would like to highlight the participation of almost all the photojournalists currently working in Portugal.
The jury of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2017’s award was chaired by Francis Kohn, photography director of AFP. The other members of the jury were: Bénédicte Kurzen from Noor Agency, Tyler Hicks from The New York Times, and Andrei Polikanov from the Russian magazine Takie Dela. Within the overarching importance of a prize particularly dedicated to photojournalism, the jury also emphasised the quality of the works in this competition – in the words of Francis Kohn, «Of the finest quality, matching photojournalism’s works worldwide at the top level. Very good records showing us that we don’t need to cross the globe to deliver the very best of photojournalism».
Apart from the meetings and conference delivered by the jury members, and the award ceremony, the city also hosted a number of events throughout the week: six major exhibitions in different parts of the city presenting works from internationally renowned photojournalists, the very first screening in Portugal of the awarded photos from World Press Photo 2017, and a conference by World Press Photo’s head-director, Lars Boering.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2017 award was developed in partnership with Viana do Castelo Town Council, Lusa Agency, Santander Bank, Joana Vasconcelos Foundation, and Casa da Imprensa. Media partners included RTP, Jornal Público and Rádio Alto Minho.
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