The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.
Santiago Lyon
Presidente do JúriDirector of Editorial Content at Adobe where he oversees their photojournalism offering to Adobe customers.
From 2003 to 2016 he was Vice President and Director of Photography of The Associated Press (AP). He joined AP as photographer in 1991 in Cairo after previously having worked for the Spanish news agency EFE, United Press International and Reuters. Lyon served as the AP photo editor for Spain and Portugal from 1995 until 2003. He was the chair of the jury of 2013 World Press Photo contest.
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz
American photographer best known for her work on domestic violence and LGBTQ families.
She has won several grants and awards, including two World Press Photo Awards (2014 and 2016) and the Sony World Photography Organization L’Iris D’Or in 2014. Her work has been published in Time Magazine, Stern, L’Espresso, Das Magazin, Days Japan, Internatzionale, Politiken, ESPN, and numerous other magazines and newspapers.
Marco Longari
Photojournalist, currently works in Johannesburg where for Agence France-Press (AFP) he is in charge of photography for Africa.
After graduating from the Istituto Superiore di Fotografia in Rome, he began his career in 1998, covering the conflict in Kosovo. Later, after numerous trips he moved to Africa to work with Agence France-Press and international publications. For AFP he has also worked in Nairobi and Jerusalem, coordinating coverage for 7 years for Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
Tanya Habjouqa
Documentary photographer specializing in gender, social, and human rights issues in the Middle East. She approaches her subjects with sensitivity and an eye for the absurd.
She is the author of Occupied Pleasures, heralded by TIME magazine and the Smithsonian as one of the best photo books of 2015 (winning a World Press Photo award in 2014). She was the recipient of the Magnum Foundation 2013 Emergency Fund, and mentors grantees from across the Arab region for their “Arab Photographer Documentary Fund” with the Prince Claus Foundation and the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture. Tanya is a founding member of Rawiya, the first all female photo collective of the Middle East. She lectures ‘Narrative/ National Identity in Photography’ at Al Quds Bard University.
The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.
Santiago Lyon
Jury PresidentDirector of Editorial Content at Adobe where he oversees their photojournalism offering to Adobe customers.
From 2003 to 2016 he was Vice President and Director of Photography of The Associated Press (AP). He joined AP as photographer in 1991 in Cairo after previously having worked for the Spanish news agency EFE, United Press International and Reuters. Lyon served as the AP photo editor for Spain and Portugal from 1995 until 2003. He was the chair of the jury of 2013 World Press Photo contest.
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz
American photographer best known for her work on domestic violence and LGBTQ families.
She has won several grants and awards, including two World Press Photo Awards (2014 and 2016) and the Sony World Photography Organization L’Iris D’Or in 2014. Her work has been published in Time Magazine, Stern, L’Espresso, Das Magazin, Days Japan, Internatzionale, Politiken, ESPN, and numerous other magazines and newspapers.
Marco Longari
Photojournalist, currently works in Johannesburg where for Agence France-Press (AFP) he is in charge of photography for Africa.
After graduating from the Istituto Superiore di Fotografia in Rome, he began his career in 1998, covering the conflict in Kosovo. Later, after numerous trips he moved to Africa to work with Agence France-Press and international publications. For AFP he has also worked in Nairobi and Jerusalem, coordinating coverage for 7 years for Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
Tanya Habjouqa
Documentary photographer specializing in gender, social, and human rights issues in the Middle East. She approaches her subjects with sensitivity and an eye for the absurd.
She is the author of Occupied Pleasures, heralded by TIME magazine and the Smithsonian as one of the best photo books of 2015 (winning a World Press Photo award in 2014). She was the recipient of the Magnum Foundation 2013 Emergency Fund, and mentors grantees from across the Arab region for their “Arab Photographer Documentary Fund” with the Prince Claus Foundation and the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture. Tanya is a founding member of Rawiya, the first all female photo collective of the Middle East. She lectures ‘Narrative/ National Identity in Photography’ at Al Quds Bard University.
O xurado do Premio e da Bolsa é exclusivamente formado porpersonalidades internacionais do medio do fotoxornalismo.
Santiago Lyon
Presidente do XuradoDirector de contido editorial para Adobe, onde supervisa o sector fotoperiodista de Adobe Stock.
De 2003 a 2016 foi vicepresidente e director de fotografía para a Associated Press (AP). Ingresou na AP como fotógrafo en 1991 no Cairo despois de traballar previamente para a axencia de noticias española EFE, United Press International e Reuters. Lyon foi o editor da fotografía AP para España e Portugal entre 1995 e 2003. Foi presidente do xurado do World Press Photo no ano 2013.
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz
Fotoperiodista estadounidense famosa polo seu traballo sobre a violencia doméstica e as familias LGBTQ.
Gañou varios premios e bolsas, incluíndo dous World Press Photo (2014 e 2016) e o Sony World Photography Organization L’Iris D’Or en 2014. O seu traballo foi publicado en Time Magazine, Stern, L'Espresso, Das Magazin, Días de Xapón, Internacional, Política, ESPN e moitas outras revistas e xornais.
Marco Longari
Fotoperiodista e actualmente traballa en Johannesburgo para a Axencia France-Press (AFP), onde é responsable da fotografía para toda África.
Tras graduarse no Istituto Superiore di Fotografia de Roma, comezou a súa carreira en 1998, cubrindo o conflito en Kosovo. Máis tarde, tras numerosas viaxes, mudouse a África para traballar con AFP e publicacións internacionais. Para Francia Press, tamén traballou en Nairobi e Xerusalén, coordinando durante 7 anos a cobertura fotográfica en Israel e nos Territorios Palestinos.
Tanya Habjouqa
Fotógrafo documental especializado en temas sociais, de xénero e dereitos humanos en Oriente Medio. El aborda estes problemas cunha sensibilidade e mirada perspicaz ao absurdo.
É a autora de Occupied Pleasures, presentada pola revista TIME e Smithsonian como unha das mellores compilacións de fotografías a partir de 2015 (gañador do premio World Press Photo de 2014). Recibiu o Fondo de Emerxencia 2013 da Magnum Foundation e é un mentor para compañeiros de toda a rexión árabe no Fondo Documental de Fotógrafos Árabes coa Fundación Prince Claus eo Fondo Árabe de Artes e Cultura. Tanya é membro de Rawiya, o primeiro grupo fotográfico no Oriente Medio consistente exclusivamente en mulleres. Ensina "Narrativa / Identidade nacional en fotografía" na Al Quds Bard University.