Registrations open at until MAY 31 2021.
The Coimbra City Council is the official partner of the photojournalism award and also a co-organiser of the photojournalism festival. Sponsors are Casa da Imprensa, Lusa Agency, Santander Bank, Joana Vasconcelos Foundation, and Canon. The international Jury will assess all the material submitted to the competition, as well as descriptive memories and the portfolios of all the applicants to the GRANT ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM COIMBRA – the aim of the latter is to support a photojournalist to develop a documentary-photography work on the region of Coimbra throughout 2021/2022.
The contest’s categories are: News, Contemporary Issues, Daily Life, Art and Entertainment, Environment, Portrait Series, Sports, and Picture of the Year.
The competition is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and Portuguese-speaking African countries as well as to foreigners residing in these territories; similarly, to final-year students currently enrolled or who have completed courses in photography (training programmes of at least 500-hours) and with some practice in photojournalism.
In lieu of a professional license for journalism practice, the participant will need to indicate, upon registration, references of published photographs, organisations or other media to which a project was developed, or other data giving evidence of the participant’s practice as a photojournalist. Students will need to reference schools, learning institutions, and directors of studies.
By formalizing their application, contestants agree, confirm and warrant the following:
- That they hold copyright of the photographs submitted for contest or, alternatively, that the copyright owner of such photographs has authorized their submission.
- To accept full liability for any eventual consequences concerning the people depicted in their photographs, which may result from their publication and exhibition.
- To guarantee that the images in the contest were obtained via photographic means without resorting to manipulation, addition or subtraction of visual elements besides the normal treatment, composition, colour balancing, density and contrast. The author must present the originals if and when solicited by the jury. Contestants refusing to comply with such conditions after being accepted into the contest will be subject to a publicly announced disqualification.
- The awarded participants authorise the partial or full publication of any and all the images for the purposes of production, disclosure, exhibition and promotion of the prizes and grants set by ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM and agree to its use in that context without a monetary compensation.
Application is free of charge and must be done exclusively by the participant on the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM website (, where application forms and instructions are provided.
All photos in the NEWS category must have been taken during the year of 2020, with the purpose of being used in the press. They may, however, have not been published.
In the following categories: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, DAILY LIFE, ART AND ENTERTAINMENT, ENVIRONMENT, PORTRAIT SERIES and SPORTS, reports initiated in previous years will be accepted, so long as they were completed or published for the first time in 2020. Any image submitted into the category, PICTURE OF THE YEAR, must have been taken in 2020.
Submitted photo stories must be comprised of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 photographs.
It is mandatory that each report is accompanied by a title and a 500 to 800 character long background text in Portuguese or Galician, and English, and individual captions in each submitted image which will be included in the exhibition if the report is awarded.
It is mandatory to describe a date in each subtitle: Year–Month–Day
It is mandatory to have all images numbered (01xxxxx.jpg, 02xxxx.jpg, etc.) as to establish an alignment for the visualisation of the work by the jury.
Submitted photographs may be accompanied by a caption, if considered necessary for the comprehension of the report (in Portuguese or Galician and English).
Images submitted to the Prize in previous editions may not be re-submitted.
Contestants wishing to present diptychs must limit them to a maximum of 5.
The organization of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM reserves the right to decline applications which fail to comply with the regulations.
After the winners are announced at the Awards ceremony, each winner has up to one week to send the images (tiff format) to the email address:
NEWS REPORT (N) A series of photographs concerning planned or unforeseen events mentioned in the press in 2020.
CONTEMPORARY ISSUES REPORT (AC) Series of photographs depicting current issues which have an impact on our society.
DAILY LIFE REPORT (VQ) Series of photographs concerning a topic of people’s daily life.
ART AND ENTERTAINMENT REPORT (AE) Performances and cultural activities.
ENVIRONMENT REPORT (AM) Landscape, wildlife, and environmental situations brought by both good and poor human relation with the environment and weather conditions.
PORTRAIT SERIES (R) Supported by a narrative that unifies the series and directly connects those portrayed.
SPORTS REPORT (D) Action, reaction, and the celebration of sports’ men and women, teams and followers in amateur or professional modalities and their respective environments.
The photographs, which must have been taken in 2020, have to be submitted exclusively in this category. Submissions to this category may not be included in any other category of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM Prize.
The applicant, however, must state which one of the other seven categories the submission falls into. A brief description (maximum 400 characters) must be included in Portuguese and English, or Galician and English, mentioning the time, place and context in which the photograph was taken. Each participant can submit up to 5 photographs in this category.
Only works in digital format, in colour or black and white, will be accepted. Slides and photographs printed on paper will not be considered.
Files must be sent in RGB and their maximum measurement must not exceed 3500 pixels. Furthermore, submitted files must have a resolution of 300 dpi, be provided in jpeg format.
The images cannot contain any identification of the author such as signature, watermark, etc.
THOMAS BORBERG (Head of the Jury)
Photo Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Denmark.
He began as photojournalist and worked as freelance- and Staffphotographer for 15 years. For the past 12 years, he has been working as a teacher of photojournalism, examiner at the Danish School of Photojournalism, and as a visiting lecturer in several universities, and in photography festivals. He also worked as photography editor for numerous book projects and has participated as a jury member in national and international photo competitions, including the 2016 and 2018 World Press Photo.
Jodi Bieber’s professional career began with the coverage of the 1994 Democratic Elections in South Africa for The Star Newspaper
She has won numerous international awards including the Premier Award at World Press Photo in 2010 for her photograph of Bibi Aisha – an Afghan woman whose nose and ears were cut off by her husband and in-laws to teach other women in her village not to run away from their husbands. The photograph appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine in 2010. By the end 2019 the NY Times and CNN included her photograph of Bibi Aisha among the top 100 most influential photographs of the 2010s
Fabio Bucciarelli is a photographer, journalist, and author known for his work on conflicts and the humanitarian consequences of war. He has spent the last decade covering the world's major events.
In 2013, his coverage of the Syrian War was recognized with the Robert Capa Gold Medal. Bucciarelli has been the recipient of several awards including at the World Press Photo, the Lucie Impact Award, VISA d'Or News Perpignan, Prix Bayeux-Calvados for War Correspondents, Yannis Behrakis Award, Best of Photojournalism, and the Getty Images Editorial Grant among other prizes and nominations. He was named Photographer of the Year 2019 by Pictures of the Year International.
Aïda is the founder and director of the Addis Foto Fest (AFF), hosted since 2010.
Born in Ethiopia in 1974, worked as a photojournalist at the Washington Post. A collection of her images can be found in the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art, and Hood Museum. She has been a jury member on several photography competitions, most notably the Sony World Photography Awards 2017 and the World Press Photo Contest 2017. Her work has also been featured on publications and news outlets, such as The New York Times, Time, The Atlantic, Vice, OkayAfrica, The Guardian, Elle Magazine, the British Journal of Photography, CNN Style, and BBC.
Muhammed Muheisen is a photojournalist and a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize.
A National Geographic photographer, and founder and chairman of Everyday Refugees Foundation, a Dutch nonprofit organisation. He is also a Global Ambassador for Jordan Tourism Board, Royal Jordanian Airlines, and for Canon. Named in 2013 by TIME Magazine as Best Wire Photographer. Since 2001 he has documented major events around the world, in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the USA. Muheisen has been documenting the refugee crisis in different parts of the world for over a decade.
AFP operational manager for the Promotion of Multimedia Contents.
Pierre Fernandez joined the International Photo Department since its creation in 1985. He headed the photography group for Europe, Africa and the Middle East and was further editor-in-chief for international photography. Fernandez was also responsible for the Communication department.
The jury’s voting process
- Viewing of each submission, where 1 vote is required in order for the work to move on to the following phase.
- Category by category – for a report to progress onto the following phase, it must gather the majority of votes.
- The jury may transfer reports onto a different category from that indicated on the application.
- Attribution of prizes among the different categories. Besides the first prizes, the jury may award a total of 3 honorable mentions, which will consist in the delivery of one single trophy.
- The jury selects, among all reports in all categories, the winner of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGE AWARD. The ESTAÇÃO IMAGE AWARD winner does not accumulate this distinction with the category award in which his report has been integrated.
- The Jury selects a winner and two honorable mentions from all the photographs of the category PICTURE OF THE YEAR and will often designate two honorary mentions. For the picture of the year, the jury can select an image from an un-awarded photo report.
- The jury may decide not to award the Prize to one or several categories in the competition.
- There will be no appeal of the jury’s decision.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2021 Coimbra 3.000,00 €
NEWS 1.000,00 €
DAILY LIFE 1.000,00 €
ENVIRONMENT 1.000,00 €
SPORTS 1.000,00 €
The final results of the competition will be announced at a public event, on June 12, at Coimbra.
The winners of the contest will be immediately notified upon the jury’s decision, and will be asked to provide the files for the photo enlargements to be exhibited.
The GRANT is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and Portuguese-speaking African countries as well as to foreigners residing in these territories.
In lieu of a professional license for journalism practice, the participant will need to indicate, upon registration, references of published photographs, organisations or other media to which a project was developed, or other data giving evidence of the participant’s practice as a photojournalist.
The annual GRANT (4,000.00 EUR) aim to support a photojournalist throughout the year 2021 to develop their photography project focused on the Coimbra region.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM produces and publishes a book and sets an exhibition with the opening in the following year, i.e. April 2022, in the city of Coimbra.
Photojournalist wishing to apply to the working Grant will need to register their application in the respective area of our website.
Applications must be accompanied by a descriptive text, as well as a portfolio containing up to 20 photographs. This portfolio must be representative of the applicant’s work, and needn’t have a relation to the purpose of this grant.
The descriptive memory should have a title and develop three points: a detailed exposition of the project, the way it is to be developed, and the project’s objectives. To be delivered in Portuguese and English or Galician and Portuguese, with a character count up to 2,500 – 3,000 max.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM will designate a mentor to accompany the work of the grant winner. The mentor will meet or contact the grant winner throughout the year in a regular basis. Further on the mentor will act as curator of the material to be showcased both in the exhibition and catalogue making sure that the selected photographs reflect the content laid out in the descriptive summary.
The photojournalist authorize any partial or complete publication of any images in the context of the realization, disclosure, exhibition and promotion of the GRANT, not receiving any remuneration.
The grant winner is not allowed to use the photos made for this purpose outside the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM context, without this entity’s expressed consent, for a period of two years, be they or not edited in book and in the exhibition.
The GRANT will be payed in two installments of 50%. The first half is due until the end of June 2021 and the second until the end of April 2022. The exhibition of the Grant award and book production will be pending approval by the main sponsor of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD 2022 COIMBRA until end of February 2022.
The grant winner of the previous edition is not eligible to apply.
Registrations open at until MAY 31 2021.
The Coimbra City Council is the official partner of the photojournalism award and also a co-organiser of the photojournalism festival. Sponsors are Casa da Imprensa, Lusa Agency, Santander Bank, Joana Vasconcelos Foundation, and Canon. The international Jury will assess all the material submitted to the competition, as well as descriptive memories and the portfolios of all the applicants to the GRANT ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM COIMBRA – the aim of the latter is to support a photojournalist to develop a documentary-photography work on the region of Coimbra throughout 2021/2022.
The contest’s categories are: News, Contemporary Issues, Daily Life, Art and Entertainment, Environment, Portrait Series, Sports, and Picture of the Year.
The competition is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and Portuguese-speaking African countries as well as to foreigners residing in these territories; similarly, to final-year students currently enrolled or who have completed courses in photography (training programmes of at least 500-hours) and with some practice in photojournalism.
In lieu of a professional license for journalism practice, the participant will need to indicate, upon registration, references of published photographs, organisations or other media to which a project was developed, or other data giving evidence of the participant’s practice as a photojournalist. Students will need to reference schools, learning institutions, and directors of studies.
By formalizing their application, contestants agree, confirm and warrant the following:
- That they hold copyright of the photographs submitted for contest or, alternatively, that the copyright owner of such photographs has authorized their submission.
- To accept full liability for any eventual consequences concerning the people depicted in their photographs, which may result from their publication and exhibition.
- To guarantee that the images in the contest were obtained via photographic means without resorting to manipulation, addition or subtraction of visual elements besides the normal treatment, composition, colour balancing, density and contrast. The author must present the originals if and when solicited by the jury. Contestants refusing to comply with such conditions after being accepted into the contest will be subject to a publicly announced disqualification.
- The awarded participants authorise the partial or full publication of any and all the images for the purposes of production, disclosure, exhibition and promotion of the prizes and grants set by ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM and agree to its use in that context without a monetary compensation.
Application is free of charge and must be done exclusively by the participant on the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM website (, where application forms and instructions are provided.
All photos in the NEWS category must have been taken during the year of 2020, with the purpose of being used in the press. They may, however, have not been published.
In the following categories: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, DAILY LIFE, ART AND ENTERTAINMENT, ENVIRONMENT, PORTRAIT SERIES and SPORTS, reports initiated in previous years will be accepted, so long as they were completed or published for the first time in 2020. Any image submitted into the category, PICTURE OF THE YEAR, must have been taken in 2020.
Submitted photo stories must be comprised of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 photographs.
It is mandatory that each report is accompanied by a title and a 500 to 800 character long background text in Portuguese or Galician, and English, and individual captions in each submitted image which will be included in the exhibition if the report is awarded.
It is mandatory to describe a date in each subtitle: Year–Month–Day
It is mandatory to have all images numbered (01xxxxx.jpg, 02xxxx.jpg, etc.) as to establish an alignment for the visualisation of the work by the jury.
Submitted photographs may be accompanied by a caption, if considered necessary for the comprehension of the report (in Portuguese or Galician and English).
Images submitted to the Prize in previous editions may not be re-submitted.
Contestants wishing to present diptychs must limit them to a maximum of 5.
The organization of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM reserves the right to decline applications which fail to comply with the regulations.
After the winners are announced at the Awards ceremony, each winner has up to one week to send the images (tiff format) to the email address:
NEWS REPORT (N) A series of photographs concerning planned or unforeseen events mentioned in the press in 2020.
CONTEMPORARY ISSUES REPORT (AC) Series of photographs depicting current issues which have an impact on our society.
DAILY LIFE REPORT (VQ) Series of photographs concerning a topic of people’s daily life.
ART AND ENTERTAINMENT REPORT (AE) Performances and cultural activities.
ENVIRONMENT REPORT (AM) Landscape, wildlife, and environmental situations brought by both good and poor human relation with the environment and weather conditions.
PORTRAIT SERIES (R) Supported by a narrative that unifies the series and directly connects those portrayed.
SPORTS REPORT (D) Action, reaction, and the celebration of sports’ men and women, teams and followers in amateur or professional modalities and their respective environments.
The photographs, which must have been taken in 2020, have to be submitted exclusively in this category. Submissions to this category may not be included in any other category of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM Prize.
The applicant, however, must state which one of the other seven categories the submission falls into. A brief description (maximum 400 characters) must be included in Portuguese and English, or Galician and English, mentioning the time, place and context in which the photograph was taken. Each participant can submit up to 5 photographs in this category.
Only works in digital format, in colour or black and white, will be accepted. Slides and photographs printed on paper will not be considered.
Files must be sent in RGB and their maximum measurement must not exceed 3500 pixels. Furthermore, submitted files must have a resolution of 300 dpi, be provided in jpeg format.
The images cannot contain any identification of the author such as signature, watermark, etc.
THOMAS BORBERG (Head of the Jury)
Photo Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Denmark.
He began as photojournalist and worked as freelance- and Staffphotographer for 15 years. For the past 12 years, he has been working as a teacher of photojournalism, examiner at the Danish School of Photojournalism, and as a visiting lecturer in several universities, and in photography festivals. He also worked as photography editor for numerous book projects and has participated as a jury member in national and international photo competitions, including the 2016 and 2018 World Press Photo.
Jodi Bieber’s professional career began with the coverage of the 1994 Democratic Elections in South Africa for The Star Newspaper
She has won numerous international awards including the Premier Award at World Press Photo in 2010 for her photograph of Bibi Aisha – an Afghan woman whose nose and ears were cut off by her husband and in-laws to teach other women in her village not to run away from their husbands. The photograph appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine in 2010. By the end 2019 the NY Times and CNN included her photograph of Bibi Aisha among the top 100 most influential photographs of the 2010s
Fabio Bucciarelli is a photographer, journalist, and author known for his work on conflicts and the humanitarian consequences of war. He has spent the last decade covering the world's major events.
In 2013, his coverage of the Syrian War was recognized with the Robert Capa Gold Medal. Bucciarelli has been the recipient of several awards including at the World Press Photo, the Lucie Impact Award, VISA d'Or News Perpignan, Prix Bayeux-Calvados for War Correspondents, Yannis Behrakis Award, Best of Photojournalism, and the Getty Images Editorial Grant among other prizes and nominations. He was named Photographer of the Year 2019 by Pictures of the Year International.
Aïda is the founder and director of the Addis Foto Fest (AFF), hosted since 2010.
Born in Ethiopia in 1974, worked as a photojournalist at the Washington Post. A collection of her images can be found in the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art, and Hood Museum. She has been a jury member on several photography competitions, most notably the Sony World Photography Awards 2017 and the World Press Photo Contest 2017. Her work has also been featured on publications and news outlets, such as The New York Times, Time, The Atlantic, Vice, OkayAfrica, The Guardian, Elle Magazine, the British Journal of Photography, CNN Style, and BBC.
Muhammed Muheisen is a photojournalist and a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize.
A National Geographic photographer, and founder and chairman of Everyday Refugees Foundation, a Dutch nonprofit organisation. He is also a Global Ambassador for Jordan Tourism Board, Royal Jordanian Airlines, and for Canon. Named in 2013 by TIME Magazine as Best Wire Photographer. Since 2001 he has documented major events around the world, in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the USA. Muheisen has been documenting the refugee crisis in different parts of the world for over a decade.
AFP operational manager for the Promotion of Multimedia Contents.
Pierre Fernandez joined the International Photo Department since its creation in 1985. He headed the photography group for Europe, Africa and the Middle East and was further editor-in-chief for international photography. Fernandez was also responsible for the Communication department.
The jury’s voting process
- Viewing of each submission, where 1 vote is required in order for the work to move on to the following phase.
- Category by category – for a report to progress onto the following phase, it must gather the majority of votes.
- The jury may transfer reports onto a different category from that indicated on the application.
- Attribution of prizes among the different categories. Besides the first prizes, the jury may award a total of 3 honorable mentions, which will consist in the delivery of one single trophy.
- The jury selects, among all reports in all categories, the winner of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGE AWARD. The ESTAÇÃO IMAGE AWARD winner does not accumulate this distinction with the category award in which his report has been integrated.
- The Jury selects a winner and two honorable mentions from all the photographs of the category PICTURE OF THE YEAR and will often designate two honorary mentions. For the picture of the year, the jury can select an image from an un-awarded photo report.
- The jury may decide not to award the Prize to one or several categories in the competition.
- There will be no appeal of the jury’s decision.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2021 Coimbra 3.000,00 €
NEWS 1.000,00 €
DAILY LIFE 1.000,00 €
ENVIRONMENT 1.000,00 €
SPORTS 1.000,00 €
The final results of the competition will be announced at a public event, on June 12, at Coimbra.
The winners of the contest will be immediately notified upon the jury’s decision, and will be asked to provide the files for the photo enlargements to be exhibited.
The GRANT is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and Portuguese-speaking African countries as well as to foreigners residing in these territories.
In lieu of a professional license for journalism practice, the participant will need to indicate, upon registration, references of published photographs, organisations or other media to which a project was developed, or other data giving evidence of the participant’s practice as a photojournalist.
The annual GRANT (4,000.00 EUR) aim to support a photojournalist throughout the year 2021 to develop their photography project focused on the Coimbra region.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM produces and publishes a book and sets an exhibition with the opening in the following year, i.e. April 2022, in the city of Coimbra.
Photojournalist wishing to apply to the working Grant will need to register their application in the respective area of our website.
Applications must be accompanied by a descriptive text, as well as a portfolio containing up to 20 photographs. This portfolio must be representative of the applicant’s work, and needn’t have a relation to the purpose of this grant.
The descriptive memory should have a title and develop three points: a detailed exposition of the project, the way it is to be developed, and the project’s objectives. To be delivered in Portuguese and English or Galician and Portuguese, with a character count up to 2,500 – 3,000 max.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM will designate a mentor to accompany the work of the grant winner. The mentor will meet or contact the grant winner throughout the year in a regular basis. Further on the mentor will act as curator of the material to be showcased both in the exhibition and catalogue making sure that the selected photographs reflect the content laid out in the descriptive summary.
The photojournalist authorize any partial or complete publication of any images in the context of the realization, disclosure, exhibition and promotion of the GRANT, not receiving any remuneration.
The grant winner is not allowed to use the photos made for this purpose outside the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM context, without this entity’s expressed consent, for a period of two years, be they or not edited in book and in the exhibition.
The GRANT will be payed in two installments of 50%. The first half is due until the end of June 2021 and the second until the end of April 2022. The exhibition of the Grant award and book production will be pending approval by the main sponsor of ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD 2022 COIMBRA until end of February 2022.
The grant winner of the previous edition is not eligible to apply.
Inscricións en ATA 31 DE MAIO DE 2021
A Cámara Municipal de Coimbra é o aliado oficial de este premio de fotoxornalismo e coorganizador do festival de fotoxornalismo. A Casa da Imprensa, a axencia de noticias Lusa, o Banco Santander, a Fundação Joana Vasconcelos e a Canon son tamén patrocinadores do Premio. O Xurado internacional que vai avaliar o material a concurso analizará tamén as memorias descriptivas e os porfolios candidatos á BOLSA ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2021 COIMBRA para que un fotoxornalista poide desenvolver durante 2021/2022 proxecto fotográfico documental sobre a rexión de Coimbra.
Categorías a concurso: Noticias, Temas Contemporáneos, Vida Cotiá, Arte e Espectáculos, Medio Ambiente, Retrato, Deporte e Fotografía do Ano.
O premio está aberto á participación dos fotoxornalistas portugueses, dos PALOP e de Galicia, así como aos estranxeiros aí residentes e aos estudantes de últimos cursos destas rexións, que frecuentan ou frecuentaron cursos de fotografia con carga horaria superior a polo menos 500 horas e con prácticas de fotoxornalismo.
Se o concursante non posue carnet profesional de xornalista, debe indicar na súa inscrición onde publicou as suas fotografias, a empresa ou medio de difusión para o que desenvolveu o proxecto xornalístico, ou os datos que establezan a súa práctica como fotoxornalista. Os estudantes deberán indicar a escola ou institución e o nome do profesor responsável.
No momento de formalizar a inscrición, o concurrente asume:
- Ser o único detentor dos dereitos de autor das fotografías enviadas a concurso ou ter obtido autorización do lexítimo detentor dos mencionados dereitos de autor.
- Responsabilizarse por calquera consecuencia, especialmente en relación ás persoas fotografiadas, consecuentes da publicación e exhibición das fotografías.
- Garantir que as imaxes presentadas a concurso foron obtidas por medios fotográficos sen manipulación, adición ou eliminación de elementos nas imaxes, aparte do normal tratamento, encadramento, reequilibrio de cor, densidade e contraste. O autor ten que facilitar os orixinais se foran solicitados polo xurado. A verificación posterior á entrada en concurso do incumprimento do anteriormente exposto, será obxeto de descualificación e divulgación pública.
- Os premiados autorizan a publicación parcial ou integral de calquera imaxe no contexto da realización, divulgación, exposición e promoción dos premios ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM e das Bolsas, non recibindo por eso remuneración algunha.
A inscrición é gratuita e só pode ser feita persoalmente, a través do site da Estação Imagem (, onde se pode encontrar o formulario e a indicación dos pasos a seguir.
Todas as fotografías da categoria NOTICIAS deberon ser realizadas durante o ano 2020, coa intención de ser utilizadas en prensa. Poderán, sin embargo, non ter sido publicadas.
Nas categorías: VIDA COTIÁ, ARTE E ESPECTÁCULOS, TEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS, MEDIO AMBIENTE, RETRATOS e DEPORTE, a reportaxe pode ter sido comezada en anos anteriores desde que teña sido completada ou publicada por primeira vez en 2020. Na categoria FOTOGRAFÍA DO ANO, as imaxes a concurso terán que ser obrigatoriamente feitas no ano 2020.
As reportaxes fotográficas enviadas a concurso deben ter como mínimo 5 e como máximo 10 fotografías. É obrigatorio que cada reportaxe sexa acompañada por un título e un texto de explicación entre 500 e 800 caracteres (en galego e en inglés) e pes de foto individuais de cada imaxe enviada, que no caso de que a reportaxe resulte premiada aparecerá na exposición e no libro.
É obrigatorio datar os pes de foto: Ano – mes – día.
E obrigatorio que as imaxes estén numeradas (01xxxxx.jpg, 02xxxx.jpg, etc) para establecer a orde no que serán vistas polo xurado.
As fotografías a concurso poden ser acompanhadas dunha lenda ou subtitulo, en caso de ser necesario para a comprensión da reportaxe (en galego e en inglés).
As fotografías que xa teñan sido enviadas ó PREMIO en anos anteriores, non poderán ser presentadas de novo a concurso.
En caso de utilización de dípticos, só serán aceitadas un máximo de 5.
A organización de ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM, reservase o dereito de non aceptar a concurso inscricións que non estén conformes ó regulamento.
Tras o anuncio dos gañadores, cada premiado terá ata unha semana para enviar os tiffs das imaxes gañadoras á dirección:
REPORTAXE NOTICIAS (N) Serie de fotografías sobre acontecimentos planeados ou imprevistos que foron noticia durante o ano 2020.
REPORTAXE TEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS (AC). Serie de fotografías de temas actuáis que afectan á vida da nosa sociedade.
REPORTAXE VIDA COTIÁ (VQ) Serie de fotografías sobre un tema do día a día da vida das persoas.
REPORTAXE ARTE E ESPECTÁCULOS (AE) Actividades culturais e espectáculos.
REPORTAXE MEDIO AMBIENTE (AM) Paisaxe, vida salvaxe, condicións medio ambientais resultantes da má ou boa interacción ambientas e condicións atmosféricas.
SERIE DE RETRATO (R) A partir dun tema cun fío narrativo que unifique a serie e cunha conexión obvia entre os retratados.
REPORTAXE DEPORTE (D) Acción, reacción e celebración do esforzo de deportistas, equipos e seguidores no contexto de modalidades aficionadas ou profesionais e o seu ambiente.
As fotos candidatas, obrigatoriamente feitas durante o ano 2020, deben ser especificamente enviadas a concurso nesta categoría (Fotografía do Ano) non podendo integrar calqueira das reportaxes candidatas ó Premio Estação Imagem.
Cada candidatura debe mencionar en cal das sete outras categorias do Prémio se encadra a foto, e incluir ademais unha breve lenda (máximo 400 caracteres), en Galego e Inglés, mencionando as circunstacias de tempo, lugar e contexto en que foi obtida. Cada concursante só pode enviar ate cinco fotografias nesta categoria.
Só serán aceptados traballos en soporte dixital, en cor ou branco e negro. Non serán aceptadas diapositivas ou fotos en papel.
Os arquivos serán enviados en perfil RGB, con 3500 pixeles no lado maior, resolución de 300 dpi, en formato JPG.
Nas imaxes non pode haber identificación do autor como marca de agua, sinatura, etc.
THOMAS BORBERG (Presidente do xurado)
Editor-xefe de fotografía do xornal danés Politiken, dende 2009.
Comezou como fotoxornalista e traballou como fotógrafo freelance durante 15 anos. Nos últimos 12 anos, ten traballado como profesor de fotoxornalismo na Escola Danesa de Fotoxornalismo e como profesor convidado en moitas universidades e festivais de fotografía, así como editor de fotografía en varios proxectos editoriais e foi membro do xurado de concursos de fotografía nacionais e internacionais, incluindo o World Press Photo de 2016 e 2018.
Fotoxornalista sudafricana premiada.
Gañou o primeiro premio do World Press Photos Award, em 2010, coa foto de Bibi Aisha, cuxa nariz e orellas foran cortadas no Afganistán polo marido e familia como exemplo para que outras mulleres da sua aldea non fuxiran dos maridos. A fotografía foi primeira páxina da TIME Magazine no 2010 e, no final de 2019, o The New York Times e a CNN incluiran a fotografia de Bibi Aisha entre as 100 principais fotografías que influenciaran a década anterior.
Fotógrafo, xornalista e autor, coñecido polas súas reportaxes enfocadas nos conflictos e nas consecuencias humanitarias da guerra.
En 2013, a súa cobertura da Guerra da Síria foi recoñecida co premio Medalla de Ouro Robert Capa. Bucciarelli recibiu outros premios, tales como o World Press Photo, Lucie Impact Award, VISA d’Or News Perpignan, Prix Bayeux-Calvados para Correspondentes de Guerra, Yannis Behrakis Award, Best of Photojournalism, Getty Images Editorial Grant, entre outros premios e nominacións. No ano 2019 foi nomeado Fotógrafo do Ano polo Pictures of the Year International.
Aïda é fundadora e directora do Addis Foto Fest (AFF), organizado desde 2010.
Naceu na Etiopía, en 1974. No 2000, formouse polo Departamento de Comunicación, con especialización en Cine, pola Howard University en Washington D.C. Traballou como fotoxornalista no Washington Post. Unha colección das súas imaxes pode ser encontrada na colección permanente do Museo de Arte Moderno (MoMA), Museo Nacional de Arte Africana do Smithsonian e Museo Hood. Foi membro do xurado en varios concursos de fotografía, destacandose o Sony World Photography Awards 2017 e World Press Photo Contest 2017. O seu traballo foi publicado no The New York Times, TIME, The Atlantic, Vice, OkayAfrica, The Guardian, Elle Magazine, British Journal of Photography, CNN Style e BBC.
Fotoxornalista, vencedor do Prémio Pulitzer en dúas ocasións.
Fotógrafo da National Geographic, é tamén fundador e presidente da ONG holandesa Everyday Refugees Foundation, Embaixador Global do Consello de Turismo de Xordania, da Royal Jordanian Airlines e da Canon. Foi nomeado en 2013 pola revista TIME como o mellor fotógrafo de axencia de noticias. Desde 2001, ten documentado os máis importantes fenómenos sociais por todo o mundo, desde a Ásia, Europa, Medio Oriente, África e EUA. Há mais de unha década que desenvolve reportaxes sobre a crise dos refuxiados en diferentes partes do mundo.
Director de Contido Multimedia da Agence France-Presse.
Entrou no Departamento de Fotografía Internacional cando foi creado no ano 1985. Foi tamén responsábel de fotografia en Europa / África / Médio Oriente e editor-xefe de fotografía internacional e, de seguido, responsábel de Comunicación antes de ser nomeado Director de Contidos Multimedia.
Fases de votación do xurado
- Son visionados todos os traballos, e é necesario 1 voto para que a reportaxe pase á fase seguinte.
- Categoría a categoría – é necesaria maioria de votos para que a reportaxe pase á fase seguinte.
- O xurado pode transferir reportaxes para outra categoria diferente da indicada na candidatura.
- Atribución dos premios nas diferentes categorías. Ademáis dos primeiros premios, o xurado pode atribuir un total de 3 mencións honrosas, que consistirán únicamente na entrega dun trofeo.
- O xurado escolle entre todas as reportaxes presentadas a concurso en todas as categorías, cal será a gañadora do PREMIO ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM.
O vencedor do PREMIO ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM non acumula esta distinción co premio da categoría de onde a sua reportaxe foi escollida. - O Xurado escolle entre todas as fotografias, da categoria FOTOGRAFIA DO ANO, a vencedora e pode atribuir duas mencións honrosas. O xurado pode seleccionar para fotografía do ano unha imaxe dunha reportaxe non premiada.
- O xurado poderá declarar deserto o premio en calquera das categorías a concurso
- Non hai apelación ás decisións do xurado.
ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2021 Coimbra 3.000,00 €
NOTICIAS 1.000,00 €
VIDA COTIÁ 1.000,00 €
RETRATOS 1.000,00 €
DEPORTE 1.000,00 €
Os resultados do concurso serán feitos públicos en Coimbra, o 12 de xuño, en Coimbra, no transcurso dun acto público.
Os vencedores do concurso seran contactados inmediatamente tras a decisión do xurado.
A Bolsa está aberta á participación dos fotoxornalistas portugueses, dos PALOP e de Galicia, así como aos estranxeiros aí residentes.
Se o concursante non posue carnet profesional de xornalista, debe indicar na súa inscrición onde publicou as suas fotografias, a empresa ou medio de difusión para o que desenvolveu o proxecto xornalístico, ou os datos que establezan a súa práctica como fotoxornalista.
A Bolsa cun valor de 4000,00 €, está destinada a permitir que un fotoxornalista poida desenvolver durante o ano 2021 proxecto fotográfico sobre a rexión de Coimbra.
Do traballo resultante do proxecto, a Estação Imagem edita e publica un libro e produce unha exposición que sera inaugurada no ano seguinte, en Abril 2022, na cidade de Coimbra.
Para candidatarse á bolsa, os fotoxornalistas deben inscribirse na respectiva área do site
Cada candidatura ten que estar acompañada dunha memoria descritiva do proxecto e dun porfolio cun máximo de 20 fotografías que non tendo relación co proxecto que se propón desenvolver, sexa demostrativo da sua capacidade de contar unha historia.
A memoria descritiva debe ter un título e estar composta por tres puntos: narración pormenorizada do proxecto, o modo como o pretenden executar e os obxectivos a acadar. Ten que estar presentada en portugués e inglés ou galego e inglés, con 2500 a 3000 caracteres.
Será nomeado por ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM un mentor que acompañará, con contacto regular ao longo do ano, o traballo do bolseiro e como comisario decidirá sobre as fotografías que serán mostradas tanto na exposición como no catálogo, debendo esta selección reflectir obrigatoriamente o contido da memoria descriptiva.
Os premiados autorizan a publicación parcial ou integral de calquera imaxe no contexto da realización, divulgación, exposición e promoción da BOLSA ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2021 COIMBRA, non recibindo por eso remuneración algunha.
Durante un periodo de dous anos, o vencedor da Bolsa non poderá utilizar fora do contexto da Estação Imagem, sen autorización expresa por parte de esta, as fotografías feitas para este fin, teñan ou non sido editadas no libro e na exposición.
O pagamento da Bolsa será feito en dúas entregas do 50%. A primeira metade no fin de xuño de 2021 e a segunda a finais de abril de 2022. A exposición da Bolsa e a producción do libro quedan suxeitos á aprobación do PREMIO ESTAÇAO IMAGEN 2022 COIMBRA por parte do patrocinador principal, ata finais de Febreiro de 2022.
Non pode concorrer á Bolsa o vencedor do ano anterior.