The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.

Presidente do JúriFurst is a father and visual curator based in Paris.
He started his career in 2001 as a photojournalist and spent nearly a decade documenting social and political conflicts in the Middle East. In 2010, he became International Picture Editor of The New York Times. During his 11 year tenure, he led the newspaper’s enhanced international emphasis on photography that won numerous awards including the Pulitzer Prize for photography four years in a row, The World Press Photo of the Year, Pictures of the Year International, and the Visa d’Or, among others. As a visual curator, Furst believes in the importance of weaving together multidisciplinary approaches that allow people to connect and empathize with each story.

Tavakolian is a photographer and a member of Magnum Photos.
She began working for the Iranian press at the age of 16, covering wars in Iraq and a range of social issues in her native Iran. Through her lens, Tavakolian explores social experiences in her homeland, Iran, and human conflicts near and far. Tavakolian has photographed female guerrilla fighters in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria and Colombia, prohibited Iranian female singers and the lives of people living under sanctions.Tavakolian was the fifth laureate of the 2014 Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award and the first laureate of the 2015 Prince Claus Award. Amongst others, Tavakolian’s work has found its place within the private collections of international institutions, including the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the British Museum, Sackler Gallery, and the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

Berehulak is an award-winning photojournalist based in Mexico City, Mexico.
Born into a Ukrainian refugee family, Daniel grew up on a farm outside of Sydney, Australia. In 2002 he started freelancing with Getty Images in Sydney, shooting mainly sports. Daniel has visited over 60 countries covering history-shaping events including the Iraq war, the trial of Saddam Hussein, elections in India and Afghanistan and the return of Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan, and documented people coping with the aftermath of the Japanese Tsunami and the Chernobyl disaster. His work has been recognized with two Pulitzer prizes, six World Press Photo awards; two Photographer Of The Year awards from Pictures of the Year International; and the prestigious John Faber, Olivier Rebbot and Feature Photography awards from the Overseas Press Club, among others. He is a regular contributor to The New York Times and a member of MAPS.
The jury is exclusively composed of internationalpersonalities from the photojournalism world.

Jury PresidentFurst is a father and visual curator based in Paris.
He started his career in 2001 as a photojournalist and spent nearly a decade documenting social and political conflicts in the Middle East. In 2010, he became International Picture Editor of The New York Times. During his 11 year tenure, he led the newspaper’s enhanced international emphasis on photography that won numerous awards including the Pulitzer Prize for photography four years in a row, The World Press Photo of the Year, Pictures of the Year International, and the Visa d’Or, among others. As a visual curator, Furst believes in the importance of weaving together multidisciplinary approaches that allow people to connect and empathize with each story.

Tavakolian is a photographer and a member of Magnum Photos.
She began working for the Iranian press at the age of 16, covering wars in Iraq and a range of social issues in her native Iran. Through her lens, Tavakolian explores social experiences in her homeland, Iran, and human conflicts near and far. Tavakolian has photographed female guerrilla fighters in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria and Colombia, prohibited Iranian female singers and the lives of people living under sanctions.Tavakolian was the fifth laureate of the 2014 Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award and the first laureate of the 2015 Prince Claus Award. Amongst others, Tavakolian’s work has found its place within the private collections of international institutions, including the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the British Museum, Sackler Gallery, and the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

Berehulak is an award-winning photojournalist based in Mexico City, Mexico.
Born into a Ukrainian refugee family, Daniel grew up on a farm outside of Sydney, Australia. In 2002 he started freelancing with Getty Images in Sydney, shooting mainly sports. Daniel has visited over 60 countries covering history-shaping events including the Iraq war, the trial of Saddam Hussein, elections in India and Afghanistan and the return of Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan, and documented people coping with the aftermath of the Japanese Tsunami and the Chernobyl disaster. His work has been recognized with two Pulitzer prizes, six World Press Photo awards; two Photographer Of The Year awards from Pictures of the Year International; and the prestigious John Faber, Olivier Rebbot and Feature Photography awards from the Overseas Press Club, among others. He is a regular contributor to The New York Times and a member of MAPS.
O xurado do Premio e da Bolsa é exclusivamente formado porpersonalidades internacionais do medio do fotoxornalismo.

Presidente do XuradoPai e curador asentado en Paris.
Comezou a sua carreira en 2001 como fotoxornalista e pasou casi unha década documentando os conflitos sociais e políticos no Medio Oriente. En 2010 converteuse no Editor de Fotografia Internacional do The New York Times. Durante os 11 anos de mandato, liderou o pulo dado polo xornal á fotografia internacional, gañando numerosos premios, incluindo o Premio Pulitzer de fotografia catro anos seguidos, The World Press Photo of the Year, Pictures of the Year International, e o Visa d’Or, entre outros. Como curador, Furst acredita na importancia de tecer en conxunto abordaxes multidisciplinares que permitan ás persoas conectar e crear empatía con cada historia.

Fotógrafa e membro de Magnum Photos.
Comezou a traballar para a prensa iraniana aos 16 anos, cubrindo guerras no Iraque e unha serie de temas sociais no seu Iran natal. Ao longo dos anos, o seu foco pasou da fotografia xornalística para a fotografia como arte. A través das suas lentes, Tavakolian explora experiencias sociais e conflitos humanos no Iran. Fotografou mulleres guerrilleiras no Kurdistan iraquiano, Siria e Colombia; cantantes iranianas que teñen prohibido cantar e a vida das persoas que viven baixo sancións. Tavakolian foi a quinta laureada do Premio de Fotoxornalismo Carmignac Gestion de 2014 e a gañadora do Prémio Príncipe Claus de 2015. Entre outros, o traballo de Tavakolian atopase en coleccions privadas de institucions internacionais, incluindo o Victoria & Albert Museum, o Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), o British Museum, Sackler Gallery e o Boston Museum of Fine Art.

Fotoxornalista premiada e residente na Cidade de México.
Nacido nunha familia de refuxiados ucraínos, Daniel creceu nunha granxa nas aforas de Sydney, Australia. En 2002, comezou a traballar como autónomo para Getty Images en Sydney, cubrindo principalmente eventos deportivos. Estivo en máis de 60 países para cubrir algúns dos momentos fundamentais da historia recente, como a guerra de Iraq, o xuízo a Sadam Hussein, as eleccións na India e Afganistán e o regreso de Benazir Bhutto a Paquistán. Tamén documentou as difíciles consecuencias do Gran Tsunami en Xapón e do desastre de Chernobyl. O seu traballo foi amplamente recoñecido, con dous premios Pulitzer, seis World Press Photo Awards, dous Pictures of the Year International Awards para a fotografía do ano, así como os prestixiosos John Faber, Olivier Rebbot e Feature Photography Awards de Overseas Press. Colabora habitualmente con The New York Times e é membro da axencia MAPS.